Posting of the Colors

LOOK LIKE BEN As portrayed by Richard Q. Fowler

Pictures of the FLSSAR Color Guard at The Memorial Service for Ranger LRRP Reunion of April 27, 2007. Permission to copy from

Some time ago a friend and I went to a local elementary school to talk to students about the American Revolution. My friend mentioned that he had a musket in his car, and the teacher said, 'Why don't you bring it in?' To my surprise, the principal gave permission, and in we went, dressed in our colonial uniforms, musket and all. The kids were very excited to see this authentic American Revolution musket replica, and they were very elated with our presentation.
For some time, whenever I wore my SAR uniform, people have likened me to Benjamin Franklin and often call me 'Ben.' To capitalize on this reaction, I let my hair grow long and bought a costume such as Benjamin Franklin wore (see photo).

My objective is to go to schools as 'Benjamin Franklin' and tell the kids about Benjamin Franklin and the American Revolution. As with the musket, I hope to better capture their attention and help build in them a desire to learn more about the heroes of the American Revolution who gave us our freedom.




Rip Tragle

Photos Ralph and Sylvia Harter

Posting of the Colors

Photos Rip Tragle

Photos Wayne McDaniel

Photos Robert Copeland

Photos Hilan Jones

Photos Roy Barley Taken by Allison K. Barley

Memorial Service

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