
Please find attached the pics from the VA Hospital in Tampa of the three young Rangers and the one Night Stalkers Aircrewman from the Chinook CH47 crash in Afghanistan.  Roy Barley, Marshall Larson, Greg Whitson and his wife Carla Jo and myself attended the VA Hospital and visited with these Outstanding Warriors.  As I recall they were in excellent spirits and looking forward to returning to active duty on recovery.  The wives, family and friends of these Warriors were in attendance on our visit and we where well received.  It was our honor to visit with the family members and their injured Warriors and I believe I can say, for all in attendance, that we were filled with Pride and Admiration for the sacrifices these young Warriors have made on our behalf.  A special thanks to the family members, friends of the injured Warriors and VA Hospital Staff for allowing us to share time with them and our Warrior Comrades!!  All the best to you and yours and have a great day!!
Bob Copeland


Greg Whitson  Bob Copeland  Roy Barley  Marshall Larsen


Ralph Harter  Bob Copeland  Rick Stetson  Tyrone Muse  Erik Spink


                                                                                                  Roy Barley


                                                                                                                Ed Chaffin

Photos Ralph and Sylvia Harter

Posting of the Colors

Photos Rip Tragle

Photos Wayne McDaniel

Photos Robert Copeland

Photos Hilan Jones

Photos Roy Barley Taken by Allison K. Barley

Memorial Service

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