2007 Reunion Florida

The 2007 Reunion is history but it needs to be said that this one rates at the top of our many reunions. Those reading this and viewing the photos that are to come over the next few weeks can see that you missed out. We were graced with the presence of several first timers that included Wayne McDaniel, Rene Rodriguez, Jerry Wilson, Dan Yates, Rip Tragle and his faithful dog, Paul Newman, Bob Wallace, Kirk Elder, and Jack Bick. Paul, Bob, and Jack co-authored the book "Nine From the Ninth".

Kudos to those at the front making this event possible. Ken Mellick and his entire family down to the latest granddaughter. Yvonne Smith who coordinated everything. Steve Szabo for the spirits donated by his customers. Shirley Parrish and her family for organizing the raffle, auction, and dinner. This entire event was 5 star.

Roy Barley was the MC and kept things moving at an acceptable pace and seemed to sense when everyone was beginning to get really hungry. The meal was scrumptious.

Clancy Matsuda arranged for Bob Carroll, 173rd LRRP Cdr,  to come as guest speaker. Bob and his lovely wife Betty Sue were gracious enough to accept. Clancy covered that expense as his contribution to the unit fund.

I know there will be someone I leave out but I will add them as they are pointed out to me. In attendance were, Bob Copeland, Rick Stetson, Roy and Sharron Barley, Joe Eachus, Doug MacCallum, Fred, Sherry, and Trey Jenkins, Jerry Wilson, Houston Ledbetter, Kenny Mellick and his entire family, Steve and Barbara Szabo, Shirley Parrish and her entire family, Clancy and Connie Matsuda, Joan and Erik Bellwood, Ron Tessensohn, Roy Nelson, Bob Hernandez, Jim and Mary Lou Godbolt, Hilan and Delores Jones and Cathy Landers, John Berg, Tom Koontz, Kenneth McConkey, Bill Christiansen, Kirk Elder, Greg and Sharla Foreman, Rod and Jason McCarn, Daniel Yates, Rip Tragle, Rene Rodrigues, Don Dupont, Bob and Betty Sue Carroll 173rd LRRP Cdr and Guest Speaker, Sal DiSiascio, Brent Gulick, Ralph and Sylvia Harter, Tyrone and Ellen Muse, Greg and Carla Jo Whitson, Ed and Shirley Kulcavage, Don Booth, Marshall Larsen. First timers Wayne McDaniel, Rene Rodriguez, Jerry Wilson, Dan Yates, Rip Tragle and his faithful dog, Paul Newman, Bob Wallace, Kirk Elder, and Jack Bick.

Regrets and were not able to attend were Bill Anderson as his daughter had complications in delivery of Bill's grandchild. Elbert and Gayle Walden as Gayle just started dialysis twice a week, Greg and Shirlee Nizialek as Greg is still in the VA recovering from removal of his bladder. Ron and Toni Bird as the grandkids needed some attention . Nothing heard from Isaac and Yvonne Ferrell or Joe Florio. Maybe next time.

Yvonne kept the food in the hospitality room in abundance. Szabo kept the booze flowing. Soft drinks and snacks for all. Hot dogs, wings, pizza and sandwiches to name a few, Thanks again Kenny and Yvonne.

Greg Foreman arrived Tuesday and had to be taken to the emergency room with a swollen jaw. He was admitted with pneumonia and the latest report as of 2 May he had an accelerated heart rate and high fever. Keep Greg and Sharla in your prayers. The money taken in from the auction and raffle was passed on to Sharla to help defer added expenses. Ralph Harter added $200 and Ron Tessenshon added $100. If Greg incurs expenses above what was given we will cover that from the assistance fund.

Erik Spink is in the process of making a documentary on the 9th Division LRRP/Ranger in Vietnam. For those that may not know Erik is the nephew of Richard Bellwood. He interviewed several men and it will be interesting to see the end results. Erik's goal is to become a film director. It appears to me that he is of to a good start

Bob Copeland has served us well as unit director the past eight years. Due to his dedication and hard work several of our guys are now in the Ranger Hall of Fame and several others have been honored at the Mountain Ranger Camp in Dalonega Georgia. This has been no small task and Bob has spent many hours along with untold dollars to accomplish this for the unit. Bob represents us at all Ranger events and our reunions making us a stand out unit in the eyes of the Ranger community. Bob stepped down this past reunion and the reins were passed to another very capable Ranger, Rick Stetson. As you know or can read in the unit history, Rick, along with Ed Garrison were the first two lieutenants that formed the LRRPs at Fort Riley Kansas. Let's get behind Rick as he leads us into the future.

Look for pictures to be added as I receive them.

2 May 2007


Photos Ralph and Sylvia Harter

Posting of the Colors

Photos Rip Tragle

Photos Wayne McDaniel

Photos Robert Copeland

Photos Hilan Jones

Photos Roy Barley Taken by Allison K. Barley

Memorial Service

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